Thursday, October 28, 2010


I am glad to see Halloween is picking up as a tradition in Australia.

I have always been brought up trick or treating (having a father who is Canadian helps mind you), and it is something I have encouraged with my kids too.

Initially hubby was a bit apprehensive as he was never brought up with this tradition, but now, it is a 'family' outing and one that we all look forward to.

I say it is a family outing, as hubby and I both dress up and walk our kids around the neighbourhood. We are lucky to live in a neighbourhood with other kids around the same age, so Halloween is a good time to meet new kids / friends / neighbours... and have some good clean fun.

The houses around our area usually put out balloons on the letterbox if they want to participate in trick or treat, and most of the time, their houses are decorated with fake cob webs, witches, broomsticks and jack-o-lanterns.... it is really a treat for everyone.

What we learnt from previous years, is the following:
  • wear comfy shoes - you do a LOT of walking
  • don't wear plastic masks - they get too hot and sometimes too scary for some of the littler kids
  • always ensure the kids know where you are and have one of the adults walk up to the door with them (this will give them the confidence to talk to the people, whilst still feeling safe)
  • don't take too many kids per adult with you, especially true when you have other people's kids with you
  • ensure your kids KNOW the road rules
  • always smile and have a good time.

This is a day / night for the family and one that should hold 'happy' memories for the kids.. afterall, they get to do some exercise and candy all in one day... what more could they want.

What are you doing for Halloween?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

thoughts for the day

Sitting here at my computer, reading through other peoples blogs, I am contemplating how much I'd like to start my own..  well why don't you, the little voice in my head said...

With what time I answered back, and I'm not a writer, just an ordinary mum of two with little or no time..

Just do it I said to myself.... and so I did...


Here are some things about me you should know.....

I have a number of craft projects on the go at any one time... i have no problem in starting them.. just finding the time to finish them.

I love to plan things out and stick to schedules, but I'm married to a man who is the complete opposite... so my planning is a bit hit and miss..

I love to listen to music and redecorate when I can.... again when time and budget allows.